October 2004 - Brno-Vinohrady

Basic informations

Visitors: 108060
Jazyk / language

This page
 Basic info
  Time schedule
  Vinohrady 21.10.2004
  Start list
  Media response
Selection of photos by content:
 Environs of   Vinohrady
 Technical meeting
 Start of race
 In darkness
 Last minutes
 Winners ceremony

Next links
 International (IAU)

Author and guarantor of thist page

Basic informations (shortened)

Title of event World and European 24 H challenge
When? The race proceeded in 23.-24.10.2004 from 10:00 to 10:00  (see time shedule), with other events 21.10.-25.10.2004
Where? Brno - Vinohrady (vinicity of City Hall), Czech Republic
Complete information On this web
Race director RNDr. Tomas Rusek, Mutenicka 6/11, 62800 BRNO, GSM 602535789 TEL 544213307 FAX 543330161,,
Full informations
About this web page Ing. Svatopluk Sedlacek has made This web page for purpose this race event. There is the photogalery created before the race, but continuously during the race and after the race too. The photos created ing. Svatopluk Sedlacek, Eva Noskova and others. As for titles to photos, Edit Bérces participate in them furthermore too. The photos on the web have a resolution 640x480 pixels, but you may request original photos in resolution 2048x1536 pixels.
Comment The race finished and its results are available aswell as on this web site, also on the web of the time measuring guarantor, also on the web, which is dedicated to ultramarathon. The photogalery is still supplemented. Some photos will be added still. There is the interesting resume of race by Peter Bakwin.

Further events 14.11.2004-02.04.2005 Running Cup of Brno The cup is in full flow. Photogalery
coming events
18.-20.03.2005 SPORT Life 48h INDOOR BRNO 2005 (addition to 48hour also whole set of further races), propositions
23.-24.07.2005 TMMTR Olesnice na Morave (100 miles) Course , propositions
08.10.2005 100 km championship of the CR